Weight-Loss in Yakushima, Japan

How To Get Here
By Air
There are daily flights from Kagoshima(KJO), Fukuoka(FUK) and Osaka-Itami(ITM).
Nearest airport is Yakushima airport(KUM).
All flights are operated by Japan Air Commuter(JAC, subsidiary of JAL)
If want to fly in Yakushima from Tokyo, we recommend to take a flight via Kagoshima.
By Sea
From Kagoshima - Ferry and hydrofoil
From Ibusuki - Hydrofoil
From Tanegashima island - Ferry and hydrofoil
From Kuchinoerabu island - Ferry
Please be aware that Yakushima has two ports, Miyanoura and Anbo(Ambo).
Miyanoura - All ferries and hydrofoils.
Anbo - Hydrofoils from Kagoshima and Tanegashima island only.
From Yakushima airport / Miyanoura port / Anbo port
We offer complimentary pick up from the airport and ports.
Nearest bus stop - Kusugawa (operated by Yakushima Kotsu)

Address & Phone number
905 Kusugawa, Yakushima, Kumage District, Kagoshima 891-4206, Japan
Tel: +81 - (0)90-3622-8509